Take a sneak peak into the world of
Chakras & Money!

Understanding how your chakra energy directly aligns with your money mindset and relationship to your finances will help you gain clear perspective into them!

⌛ Do you feel like you're running on empty?

⌛ Tired and living paycheck to paycheck?

⌛ Tired of not seeing any real change in your financial life? 

It's possible that you've been caught in karmic money drama and subconscious lack mentality. Some how settling for less yet, wishing for more! 


It no coincidence you're here!

7 days Financial Alignment Challenge with access to Free Course content!!

In the next 7 days I’ll be teaching you simple yet powerful practices that I’ve been using with my clients for years!
Begin to create your best life now! Free yourself from limiting beliefs and rid yourself of the financial baggage you've been carrying around with you!
Manifesting is an art and a method that most coaches sell you on.  However, Manifesting is the last tactic I teach you! To get what you want requires ALIGNMENT!
Chakra Alignment!
Continue reading!

In my Free 7 days to financial alignment you will learn to unblock your chakra energy, leverage its power and create a life of Abundance, Wealth and Happiness in order to:

🌺 Remove fear
🌺 Find your passion
🌺 Take action
🌺 Remove guilt about earning money
🌺 Speak honestly about your financial situation
🌺 Powerfully manifest
🌺 Connect to the infinite abundance
of the universe

★ Daily downloadable budget worksheet 

★ Daily actionable email

★ Learn the signs of a chakra blockage

★ Practical financial steps you can implement today

★ Understand your credit and how to access it

★ Look at your expenses, where is your money is going?

★ Automate your savings and pay yourself first

★ Understand that balancing your chakra energy is the answer to shifting you money mindset

BONUS: Access to online course content to 


Daily people ask me "how do I know
which chakra is blocked?"

First you need to identify the physical and emotional symptoms you have in order to identify your energetic blocks.

The same way you listen to your body when you feel the onset of a cold, you should also be tuned into the different symptoms in your body that could be hiding as chakra blocks.

Money and Chakra blockages could happen all of a sudden, they could be lingering or they could even be life long ailments. 

When your body starts to feel off and things just don't make sense: that's when you should take a deeper look at what's going on in your life.

Money plays a huge role in our lives and the impact it has on you is often a BIG trigger for your physical and energetic body.

SIGN UP NOW to heal your Chakras & your Money


Nini Grace

“Just a one week after reading your book Karmic Currency my income went up 11% but the end of the 1st month I had a 20% increase in my overall income. I healed some deep money mindset beliefs and cleaned up my eating patterns as Sandy suggested in her book and in her course. Since then I have never looked back. Everyday, I live a life of financial freedom and a healthy Money Mindset. Thank you, Sandy, for sharing your wisdom with us all!”

Alex Lopez

“ I reached out to Sandy for some financial advice and what I got was so much more! Sandy, you really know your stuff! Not only did I feel like I was financially wiser after our call but wiser in life as well!

Thanks so much!”

Vivian Olodun

"I’m not one for meditation. I rarely do yoga but when it comes to money you don’t have to convince me it’s all about energy. I purchased Karmic Currency: Chakras and Money at the beginning of this year and there’s no doubt the principles in it helped my business! We’ve had a record breaking year. What we made last year we made in FOUR MONTHS this year.  If you’re looking for guidance in your money mindset, I highly recommend buying this book and taking this course!"